The book about the Cloud Laboratory is published in the series of the renowned Aedes Architekturforum in Berlin. They dedicated the unique building a comprehensive exhibition and wrote about the building: “When we (the Ades Architekturforum) learned about the construction of the cloud laboratory for the troposphere research at the Leibniz Institute in Leipzig we immediately became curious about the architects who were making historie designing such a facility. To identify the influeces exerted by human beings on climate and cloud formation is a focus of investigation undertaken here the framework of basic research. The influence exerted on this building by its architects is already perceptible for it clearly reflects the lucid architectural concept of Ansgar and Benedikt Schulz. Standing in the foreground for Schulz and Schulz is the principle that the uses and functions of any given structure should be legible. They have provided the cloud laboratory with a suitable architectural envelope, attaching to it the laboratories and offices required for conducting atmospheric research.”
Wolkenlabor / Cloud Laboratory
Softcover, 17,5 x 18,2 cm
64 pages with photos and drawings
ISBN: 978-3-9370-9355-9